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How Do Electricity Bills Work? Alinta Energy

How Do Electricity Bills Work? Alinta Energy

Energy bills can be confusing. Sometimes it just looks like a whole bunch of numbers and we often have no idea what they’re telling us. Alinta Energy makes it a bit easier for you by having all of the information you need in a neat two-page bill. So, check out our handy hints below for making sense of your Alinta electricity bill.

The Alinta Electricity Bill Basics

Page 1 is where you’ll see all of the really important stuff – the bill amount and the due date. These are the most important parts, but you’ve also got your reference number and the address you’re paying for. It’s important, so it’s always worth checking this just to make sure there’s no errors.

Here you can also see the overview of your Alinta electricity bill. This includes the previous balance and payments, the current charges, and furthermore any discounts or concessions you might be receiving. In addition, if you get a pay-on-time discount the amount shows up right under the total amount due.

The front page features some contact information but you’ll find even more on Page 2, just above the payment slip.

Alinta Energy Charges

Your Alinta rates should appear on Page 2 of your Alinta electricity bill, and this gives you a detailed account of how you’re being charged. Here you can the different tariffs you’re being charge if you’re on a time-of-use plan pr just your general usage if you have a single rate.

Check here for your daily supply charge, and you’ll also see the date your meter is next due to be read.

The Graphs

For those keen to keep a track of their carbon footprint, Alinta electricity bills provide a graph showing your average daily use and the associated greenhouse emissions.

You can also check out a handy graph to see how your daily energy consumption stacks up against other households of the same size in your local area.

Alinta Energy Payment Options

The payment options are at the bottom of Page 1 with all the relevant payment codes. It also serves as a payment slip for paying in person or by mail. Here’s the payment methods on your Alinta electricity bill:

  • BPAY
  • Credit/Debit Card
  • Mail (cheque payment)
  • Australia Post

Payment methods not shown on your Alinta electricity bill:

  • Direct Debit

If you’d like more information about this topic, check out our general article on how electricity bills work, where we go over the basics of what appears on all electricity bills, not just Alinta Energy’s.

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