What Is The Average Electricity Bill In Melbourne?

Average Electricity Bill In Melbourne
Why Compare Electricity Bills
Have you ever asked yourself, ‘What is the average electricity bill in Melbourne?’ It’s a question you might only ask if you’ve received a nasty surprise in the mail when your electricity bill arrives, but it’s a perfectly valid question. It’s important to see how your bills stack up with others in your area for a few reasons.
For one thing, your bills may seem to be higher than other people you know with no logical explanation. In this case, you may need to consider how you use electricity in your home. It could also be as simple as having an electricity deal that no longer suits your needs. There’s plenty of competition out there, so if you’re not comparing your deal with other providers you could be missing out.
Deregulation in Victoria
The electricity industry has been deregulated since 2002, meaning that energy providers were no longer held to the prices laid out for them by the State Government. As of December 2016, the Australian Energy Market Commission reports the Victorian market includes 22 energy retailers. The benefit for you as a consumer is that providers now have an incentive to lower their rates, offer special deals and improve their customer service to pick up your business.
As more energy providers enter the market, the energy deals offered are simply better. When companies are competing for your business, you’re in the box seat for some good savings. Not to mention the fact that comparison sites like Billy Explores are all keeping a watchful eye on how these providers are looking after their customers. If providers are offering poor deals, the increased scrutiny on the market these days is going to catch them out.
Average Electricity Bill in Melbourne
According to Canstar Blue’s customer satisfaction survey published in January 2018, the average electricity bill in Melbourne was just over $1,671 per year.
The highest average electricity bills in Melbourne were customers in their 30’s, at $2,029.68 per year, while the lowest was from those aged 70 or over with an average bill of $1,315.00 per year.
Electricity Providers in Melbourne
Thanks to deregulation, there are 22 energy providers in Melbourne comprising of 25 retail brands. The energy providers below deliver electricity services to Melbourne, and they all offer a range of discounts, plans and other incentives to get you on board. Here are just a few that Billy Explores partners with. Find out more details about what energy rates they offer.
How Can I Reduce My Average Electricity Bill in Melbourne?
There’s a whole range of ways you can shave a few dollars off your electricity bill, and these are just a few of the biggest ones:
Cooling and Heating
Heaters and air conditioners are the biggest expenses in terms of household energy use. Be a bit clever about how you’re heating and cooling your home. Many households spend 40% or more of their electricity on these two things alone. Maybe you could consider having insulation installed, repairing cracks and seals around windows, and closing off the rooms you’re not using.
Heating Water
Another major culprit for energy consumption is the hot water cylinder. There’s plenty of ways to reduce costs though. Only do your washing in cold water, take some shorter showers throughout the week and don’t run the dishwasher unless you really need to.
Wash Away Electricity Costs
Washing machines also use plenty of power. In addition to changing to cold washes, make sure you’re not washing only a few items. Fill the machine up and make the most of the expense. When it comes to handling the washing, dryers also chew through the power. Consider using an indoor clothes airer or the outdoor washing line.
Turn Off at the Wall
It’s super convenient to just sit down on the couch and hit the TV remote for instant entertainment. But that convenience is costing you. Standby functions on a lot of modern appliances are using up energy when you’re not even enjoying them. Switch things off at the wall instead of the remote, and you’ll save some dollars instantly.
Government Rebates in Victoria
The Victorian government has implemented a number of initiatives to help ease the strain on households. (Updated 2018)
- The Low-Income Concession program gives a 17.5% discount on electricity costs to eligible customers.
- The Energy and Water Task force Program subsidies eligible customers in disadvantaged areas to have up to $300 worth of energy saving equipment installed in their homes.
- The Controlled Load Concession provides concession card holders with an additional 13% off their annual controlled load costs for hot water and slab heating, which is measured separately to other electricity use.
- The Electricity Transfer Fee Waiver allows concession card holders to have electricity connected free of charge when moving house. Conditions apply, so visit the Victorian Health and Human Services website for more details.
Is There a Better Deal Out There?
If you’re paying too much for your electricity, then it’s time to consider a change. Shopping around for a better deal has never been easier, so start looking today! There’s a whole host of providers eager to tempt you with better deals. Then, Billy Explores can find them for you with the click of a button.
It’s as easy as heading over to our energy compare page, and we can help find the right plan for you. Stop paying more than the average electricity bill, Melbourne!