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How Do Electricity Bills Work? Energy Australia

How Do Electricity Bills Work? Energy Australia

Energy Australia's Bill Explained With Expert Advice From Billy Explores

If you’re having trouble understanding your electricity bill, then don’t worry – you’re not the first! Check out our handy hints below for making sense of your Energy Australia electricity bill.

The Energy Australia Basics

Page 1 is where you’ll see all of the really important stuff – the bill amount and the due date. These are the most important parts, but you’ve also got your reference number and the address you’re paying for. Therefore, it’s always worth checking this just to make sure there’s no errors.

Here you can also see the breakdown of your Energy Australia electricity bill, including the previous balance and payments, the current charges, and any discounts or concessions you might be receiving. If you’re receiving a pay-on-time discount, you may see two due amounts on the right – one with the discount applied, and one if you pay late.

The front page features some contact info but you’ll find even more on Page 2, just above the payment slip.

Energy Australia Charges

Your Energy Australia Rates should appear on Page 3, and this gives you a detailed account of how you’re being charged. Here you can see the different tariffs you’re being charged if you’re on a time-of-use plan or just your general usage if you have a single rate.

Check here for your daily supply charge. If you’ve got solar this is where you’ll find the relevant information for solar feed-in tariffs.

The Graphs

For those keen to keep a track of their carbon footprint, Energy Australia also provides a graph showing your electricity use and the associated greenhouse emissions.

You can also check out a handy graph to see how your daily energy use stacks up against other homes of the same size in your local area, which is a handy tool.

Energy Australia Payment Options

The second page of your Energy Australia bill will have your payment options with all the relevant payment codes. It also serves as a payment slip for paying in person or by mail. So, here are the payment methods on your bill:

  • Australia Post
  • Mail (Cheque payment)
  • BPAY
  • Phone
  • Direct Debit

Payment methods not shown on your bill:

  • Credit/Debit Card
  • Personalised Instalment Plan (regular smaller instalments to manage your Energy Australia electricity bill better)
  • Centrepay

If you’d like more information about this topic, check out our general article on how electricity bills work, where we go over the basics of what appears on all electricity bills, not just Energy Australia’s.

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