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How Do Electricity Bills Work? PowerDirect

How Do Electricity Bills Work? PowerDirect

PowerDirect - Understand How Your Bill Works With Billy Explores

If you’ve ever opened your electricity bill and wondered what on earth you’re looking at, you’re not the only one. PowerDirect have recently simplified their bill though, so you won’t have that problem with them. Check out our handy hints below for understanding your PowerDirect electricity bill.

The PowerDirect Electricity Bill Basics

Page 1 is where you’ll see all of the important stuff – the PowerDirect electricity bill amount and the due date. These are the most important parts, but you’ve also got your reference number and the address you’re paying for. It’s important information, therefore it’s always worth checking this just to make sure there’s no errors.

You also get an overview of the bill, showing any balances brought forward and the new charges. The front page features some contact information in case you need to contact the provider.

PowerDirect Charges

Your PowerDirect Rates should appear on Page 2 of your PowerDirect electricity bill, and this gives you a detailed account of how you’re being charged. Here you can view the different tariffs you’re being charged if you’re on a time-of-use plan or just your general usage if you have a single rate.

Check here for your daily charge, and you’ll also see the previous balance and any payments you’ve made. If you’re receiving any discounts or concessions, they’ll also appear here with all the other charges.

PowerDirect electricity bills: The Graphs

On the front page, PowerDirect provide you with a graph showing your average daily cost and usage for previous billing periods so you can check what times of year you’re using the most power.

You can also check out a handy graph on your PowerDirect electricity bill to see how your daily energy consumption stacks up against other households of the same size in your local area.

PowerDirect Payment Options

The second page of your bill will have your payment options listed with all the relevant payment codes. It also serves as a payment slip for paying in person or by mail. Here’s the payment methods on your PowerDirect electricity bill:

  • Direct Debit
  • BPAY
  • Credit/Debit Card
  • Mail (cheque payment)
  • Telephone

If you’d like to know more about this topic, check out our general article on how electricity bills work, where we go over the basics of what appears on all electricity bills, not just PowerDirect’s.

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