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Save Energy In Summer Through Billy Explores!

Save Energy In Summer Through Billy Explores!

How to Save Energy in Summer

With Australia in the grips of a heatwave, there’s no better time to revisit some energy saving tips. When we think about saving energy, we often try things like taking shorter showers or turning off the heater. However, it’s unlikely that people want to warm the house or take long, hot showers in an Australian summer. So let’s find out how to save energy in summer.

Smarter Cooling to Save Energy in Summer

Being smart about the way you keep the house cool is one way to save energy in summer.

  • Get out of the house, because if you’re not home, you don’t need that air conditioner going.
  • If there’s a breeze outside, open windows and cool the house naturally.
  • Close curtains on windows with direct sunlight.
  • Check windows and doors for dodgy seals.
  • Above all, service your air conditioner for better efficiency.

Save Energy in Summer with Better Cooking

Here’s some smart ways to cook and save energy in summer.

  • You’re wasting money if the air-con is competing with an oven. Therefore, swap it for the bbq!
  • If you do need to use the oven, cook enough for multiple meals. Once a week is better than every night.
  • Alternatively, if you’re not a fan of bulk-cooking, consider using a smaller toaster oven or the microwave.

Laundry Tips to Save Energy in Summer

  • Only wash clothes when you have enough for a full load.
  • Wash in cold water.
  • Ditch the dryer. It’s hot outside – use a clothesline or airer.

Compare Deals and Save Energy in Summer

Finally, if you’re paying too much for power, shop around for a better energy contract because it’s never too late to switch energy providers! If it seems like it’s impossible to save energy in summer and keep costs down, why not find a better deal through Billy Explores?

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