Article>Health Insurance Comparison

Common questions from nib health cover members

Common questions from nib health cover members

Here at Billy Explores we’re all about choice, comparing health insurance and seeing if you can get a better deal from one of the health funds on our panel of providers. One of the great health funds we have on board is nib. We thought we would check out some of the most common questions that nib health cover members have (courtesy nib).

Of course, even if you’re a nib health cover member, you can still do a private health insurance comparison through Billy Explores and see if you can get a better deal on your private health insurance needs. To get started on your health insurance comparison, and compare health insurance, just click below. Or if you’re a nib health fund member, or simply are interested in finding more about nib, then keep reading!

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How do I find out what I’m covered for?

There are plenty of ways to find out exactly what your nib health cover includes. The first is to jump onto their Member Services where you can view your policy, see your latest claims and update your details.

If you think you might need a specific procedure, it’s always a good idea to call nib on 13 16 42. Not only can nib’s expert team talk you through the procedure and help you find a specialist, but they can advise you on ways to reduce or completely avoid any out-of-pocket costs.

Bill edit: You can also find out more about out-of-pocket costs and gap fees in our handy article here

How do I make a claim?

Claiming with nib is simple with many registered extras providers using on-the-spot claiming facilities – meaning you simply swipe your nib card and be on your way!
If this facility isn’t available, you can use the nib app (which is available on iPhone, iPad and Android). You just take a photo of your official receipt and hit claim now. For a step-by-step breakdown, you can head to their instructional page, How to claim using the nib app.

If you’ve received a bill from a hospital visit, you can head to nib’s hospital billing and claiming page to find out more.

How will I get my money back after claiming?

Once nib receives your claim, they begin processing it straight away. There are a few things they need to confirm from their end – like making sure you’re covered for the treatment, but generally your claim will be paid directly into your account within 7-10 business days.

How can I suspend or cancel my membership?

nib knows there might be some reasons you’d be interested in suspending your policy – maybe you’re travelling overseas for a chunk of time or maybe you’re financially stretched. So, nib members have the option to suspend their policy. Simply give us a call on 13 16 42 and they’ll help you out.

Thinking of cancelling? Give nib a call on 13 16 42 and they can organise the cancellation or health fund switch for you.

Billy edit: you can also switch health insurance providers through Billy Explores after you’ve done a private health insurance comparison through Billy Explores.

How do I update my personal details or change my level of cover?

Whether you’ve moved address or need to change your contact details, you can update it all using Member Services or nib App.
Thinking of changing your level of cover or excess? This can also be done online using Member Services or nib App. However, if you’d prefer to chat with someone about your options, it’s best to call one of nib’s friendly health cover experts on 13 16 42.

What are my options when it comes to paying for my cover?

nib likes to be as flexible as possible when it comes to paying for your health cover with nib. That’s why they offer the option to pay weekly, fortnightly, monthly, quarterly, half yearly or yearly. When it comes to how you pay, nib accepts BPay, credit card, direct debit, online card or cheque. Did you know that you can get 4% off your premium if you pay by direct debit from a cheque or savings account1? Find out more information at their Member Payments page.

If you’re thinking about getting private health insurance with nib, you can get a quote online, or call us on 13 14 26 to discuss your options.

Billy edit: Of course, you can also do a private health insurance comparison and compare nib with other health funds to see if you’re getting the best deal!

Compare health insurance through Billy Explores

So, we’ve gotten the answers to the most asked questions from nib health fund customers. If you’re thinking that you would like to compare health insurance Australia, you can quickly and easily get started through Billy Explores! Save time and effort and explore potential savings by starting your private health insurance comparison now. It’s time to compare health insurance Australia!

Important Links For Health Insurance Comparison

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