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Before You Pay Your Alinta Energy Bill, Compare And Maybe Switch To Save

Before You Pay Your Alinta Energy Bill, Compare And Maybe Switch To Save

Your Alinta Energy bill has dropped in your inbox again. That dread of opening it, finding out how much electricity you’ve used and maybe the final figure is enough to give you a heart attack. Naturally the same can be said for Energy Australia vs AGL as well, or any electricity retailer.

That’s why Billy Explores is here to help! It’s always a good idea to compare electricity providers and see what other energy deals and offers are out there, and you should pay to be prompted by receiving your Alinta Energy bill. One of the easiest ways to reduce energy costs is to compare energy offers. So, before you hop on the Alinta Energy website to pay your bill, use the bill and compare electricity providers through Billy Explores! We might be able to get you a better deal on your electricity.


Before You Pay Your Alinta Energy Bill, Check Out The Costs

Your Alinta Energy bill is made up of the amount of energy you consume, multiplied by the price per unit. Again, this is the same asAGL vs Energy Australia. The price per unit can vary according to the time of day you use your electricity and the kind of contract you’re on. It can also vary depending on where you live, as each state and territory makes its own decisions about the costs of the various components involved in energy supply.

Your gas and electricity tariff has 2 parts: a daily supply charge (sometimes called a service charge or fixed charge) and a usage charge (a consumption or variable charge).

This daily supply charge is the cost of getting electricity or gas to your residence (even if you don’t use any) and appears on your bill as a total amount, or in cents per day.

The usage charge is the cost of the electricity or gas you use and appears on your bills in cents per kilowatt hour (c/kWh) for electricity or cents per megajoule (c/MJ) for gas.

Some bills might show more than one usage charge. For example, a time of use offer might have different usage charges for different blocks of time, which are usually called peak, shoulder, and off-peak.

Check out some information about Alinta Energy to help you work out what the key terms on your energy bills mean, and also how you can pay your Alinta Energy bill. 

Alinta Energy – Offers And Contracts

Depending on where you live, you may have a choice of which energy retailer to use – this is especially handy if you want to compare AGL and Energy Australia. Even if there’s only one retailer in your area, they may have various offers available. Choosing the most suitable offer can be difficult, so understanding how and when you use energy is helpful.

Contracts that reward off-peak energy use may result in savings if you can move activities such as washing and cooking to these periods. However, this may increase your costs if you need to run heating and cooling systems at peak times. If you choose a contract that doesn’t suit your household or lifestyle you could end up paying more.

Carefully check the terms and conditions before agreeing to a contract.

  • You can talk to your Alinta Energy and ask questions to find out whether you would benefit by switching. Compare costs accurately by looking at the price is in cents per kilowatt hour (c/KWh).
  • Ask what the daily supply charge is and check if the charge is for the same number of days as on your existing electricity bill.
  • Check if there are any extra fees such as for late payments or early contract termination.
  • Ask if anything extra is included in the offer, such as bonuses or savings.
  • Conditional discounts may not be worthwhile if you can’t meet the condition. For example, a pay on time discount may not be beneficial if you often struggle to pay your bill on time.
  • Check billing and payment arrangements, including how and when you’re billed and payment options.
  • Check contract conditions and ask what happens at the end of the contract period. How do you renew? What happens if you wish to change retailers? Of course you can always compare energy providers through Billy Explores and potentially get a better deal… nudge nudge wink wink.

Before agreeing to a new energy offer – compare AGL and Energy Australia, and it will definitely pay to read the Alinta Energy bill and terms and conditions on the contract. Asking a friend or family member to review the details can be helpful.

Laws are in place for customer protection on energy matters. Your electricity retailer must provide a printed summary of any contract. The energy price fact sheet must include:

  • all prices and charges
  • early termination payments and penalties
  • date and duration of the contract
  • billing and payment information
  • your rights and obligations.

After agreeing, you can change your mind within 10 business days without penalty.

Alinta Energy Pay Bill Problems

If your Alinta Energy bill seems wrong and you don’t want to pay your Alinta Energy bill, your electricity retailer must review it if requested. This is the same across all energy retailers including Energy Australia vs AGL. If you’re not satisfied with their response, contact the energy ombudsman in your state or territory. An ombudsman is a free and independent dispute resolution service.

To ease financial stress you can have smaller amounts regularly deducted rather than receiving a large quarterly bill. Be sure to check with your electricity retailer that there’s no increase in the rate you’ll be paying for energy.

If you receive Centrelink payments, the Centrepay service is available to make regular payments towards your energy bills. Centrepay can help you to better manage your finances by spreading out the costs of seasonal changes to your energy use. The MoneySmart budget planner can also help with managing costs.

If you’re unable to pay your Alinta Energy bill on time, contact Alinta Energy to ask how they can help. Their hardship policy will outline the options available. You could go onto a payment plan and protect yourself from disconnection, interest payments and late fees

If you receive a disconnection notice from Alinta Energy, contact them immediately to discuss your options to pay your Alinta Energy bill. You should not be disconnected during a protected period, such as a weekend or public holiday. People registered as depending on a life-support system have further protections from disconnection.

Why Energy Prices Are Changing

Electricity prices are now decreasing, after having risen significantly over the past decade largely due to increases in network costs. The ‘network’ is the transmission and distribution system of poles and wires that delivers electricity to your home.

The repair and replacement of ageing poles and wires, increased peak demand (periods placing the highest demand on the energy network—such as hot summer days), population growth, and rising standards for power reliability have contributed to network cost increases.

Factors influencing gas prices include higher development and production costs for new gas resources, and bans, moratoria and regulatory uncertainty for onshore gas development in some states and territories.

Wholesale electricity and gas prices on the east coast during 2020 dropped to levels not seen since 2015. Reasons for this drop include the Australian Government’s Big Stick legislation and the introduction of Default Market Offer.

Compare AGL And Energy Australia Before You Pay Your Alinta Energy Bill

Before you pay your Alinta Energy bill, it definitely makes sense to compare energy prices and energy providers through Billy Explores. Here you can compare AGL and Energy Australia with Alinta Energy and a range of other providers on Billy Explores panel. You might be able to get a better electricity deal for your needs. Compare energy providers now through Billy Explores – it’s quick and easy and our panel of providers can even have you switch and potentially save on the spot!

More About Alinta Energy Pay Your Bill

Some handy guides about Alinta Energy are below:

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How Do I Pay My Alinta Energy Bill?

The payment options are at the bottom of your Alinta Energy bill with pay codes on page 1. It also serves as a payment slip for paying in person or by mail. Here’s the payment methods on your Alinta electricity bill:

  • BPAY
  • Credit/Debit Card
  • Mail (cheque payment)
  • Australia Post
  • Smoothpay

Payment methods not shown on your Alinta electricity bill:

  • Direct Debit

If you’d like more information about this topic, check out our general article on how electricity bills work, where we go over the basics of what appears on all electricity bills, not just Alinta Energy’s.

How Can I Reduce My Electricity Bill?

Especially in winter, when you are packing the heating on, you want to see how you can reduce your electricity or energy bill. We have some tips here;

The best way to potentially reduce your electricity bill is to compare energy providers through Billy Explores. It’s quick and easy and you can compare AGL vs Energy Australia, as well as Alinta Energy. Click here to get started!

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