Article>Energy Comparison

Gas Prices Increase From 1 Feb 23

Gas Prices Increase From 1 Feb 23

Customers are set to fork out hundreds of more dollars in their gas bills as EnergyAustralia, Origin Energy and AGL raise gas tariffs. This comes off the current cost of living pressures with increasing interest rates and household prices. As Billy Explores unfortunately knows, this will impact every day Aussies and small business owners in the hip pocket. We feel sorry for our poor Victorian cousins, (which is the state most reliant on gas) is among the worst affected, with the average price expected to rise by as much as 25 per cent.

25 per cent increase in gas bill on average! But what until you hear the actual dollar increase. That will add an extra $480 to the yearly bill for Energy Australia Australia customers in the Victoria, $370 per year more for those with Origin Energy and a further $326 per year for AGL customers.

Customers in New South Wales, ACT, Queensland and South Australia can expect increases of less than $100. While that’s not as much as Victoria, it still is quite significant.

So, what can every day Aussies do about it to get a cheaper energy deal? It’s simple! They can simply compare energy prices through Billy Explores and potentially get a cheaper energy deal from our panel of providers!

How To Compare Energy Providers

With those energy providers increasing their costs, it’s a great idea to compare energy providers and see if you’re actually getting a good deal for your energy needs and usage. This of course follows on to compare energy prices.  You can easily compare energy providers through Billy Explores and see if you can get a cheaper deal through our panel of providers.

How To Compare Energy Prices

If you want to only compare gas prices rather than energy providers, or compare electricity prices, then you can do that through Billy Explores as well! Save time time and effort and see if you can get a cheaper energy deal through Billy Explores.

So come on (especially Victoria),  it’s time to do an energy comparison Australia! Just click to start your energy comparison journey.

Important Links For Health Insurance Comparison

After you’ve done your energy comparison, why not take the time to do a health insurance comparison Australia, or also explore life insurance

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